Signs of Winter Stucco Damage

We’ve seen quite a bit of snow here in Colorado, and just because we spring forward in a few weeks doesn’t mean that the end of our snow days is here. March can easily bring another handful of inches of snow. But, in some areas, signs of spring are springing up giving homeowners a chance to assess their stucco homes and see if there are any signs of winter damage.

Faulty stucco installation is a common cause of water damage

Cracking in stucco is normal. A tiny hairline crack here or there is no reason for concern. But, you should always keep an eye on any crack in your stucco cladding. Kind of like you keep track of any moles or freckles on your body, making sure they don’t start to grow or change. The body of your home, if you will, the stucco-clad exterior is a lot like your epidermis. It can have little imperfections here and there, but if you spot major cracks that have expanded during the winter, then it might be time to call in an expert to determine the seriousness of the problem.

Colorado exterior stucco inspection specialist

If your stucco hasn’t been installed correctly, melting snow can penetrate your walls and cause serious structural damage.

Water damage can weaken your building and cause health problems

Homes and buildings along the Front Range and our Mountain Communities can sit in 10” of snow for months on end in the winter time. Now that the snow is beginning to melt in some places, instead of simply disappearing down into the ground and away from your home, the melting snow can get sucked up into your stucco and continue to penetrate your entire building envelope.

Once water has penetrated your home, a whole slew of problems like mold and rotten wood can render your home unsafe to live in, both because of the weakened structure, but because of the health consequences of living with toxic mold.

Now is also a good time to look around to make sure there aren’t any tree branches that have been weighed down by the months of heavy snow. Branches that looked fine before the winter could now have become weakened, and if they are hanging too close to your home, they could cause damage to your stucco if they break and fall.

Signs of winter snow damage to your stucco home or building

Check to make sure tree branches haven’t been weakened by carrying heavy snow for months. Falling branches can cause damage to your stucco cladding.

Exterior stucco installation inspection specialist in Denver, Colorado

Every season brings potential new problems for homeowners, but if you are proactive and perform regular inspections and maintenance, then you should be able to stay ahead of any major problems. If you are not sure if your stucco is damaged or has been installed correctly,

 by a stucco specialist in your area to come and do a thorough inspection.